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security & covid protocols on active military properties

The Seaforth Armoury and the Hoffmeister Building are both on active military property. Therefore, military Security and COVID protocols will remain are in place at ALL times.

The following rules, protocols and etiquette apply:

  1. ONLY CADETS will be allowed into the armoury.

  2. Entry to the property will be ONLY via the east gate. See map.

  3. Parents/Guardians may enter the property but go no further than the Commissionaire's office. If there is a need to speak to any of the 135 Sqn staff, either send a message with a cadet or ask the Commissionaire call us. He has the phone number.

  4. Cadets access Seaforth Armoury only by the large loading doors at the southeast corner

  5. Upon entry, cadets will queue inside the doorway, maintaining 2 meters distancing and wait their turn to sign the COVID declaration


关于现役军事财产的安全和 covid 协议

Seaforth Armory 和 Hoffmeister 大楼都在现役军事财产上。 因此,军事安全和 COVID 协议将始终有效。


  1. 只有学员才能进入军械库。

  2. 只能通过东门进入该物业。 见地图。

  3. 父母/监护人可以进入物业,但不得进入专员办公室。 如果需要与 135 中队工作人员中的任何一位交谈,请向学员发送消息或要求专员致电我们。 他有电话号码。

  4. 学员只能通过东南角的大型装载门进入 Seaforth 军械库

  5. 进入后,学员将在门口排队,保持 2 米的距离,并等待轮到他们签署 COVID 声明

  6. 在军械库内,每个人都将戴上口罩。 将提供手部消毒站。